Home page Courses Scarwork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web – Szczecin, Poland

Scarwork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web – Szczecin, Poland

Course details:

Date: 5-8.12.2024


Anna Srokowska

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Course information

Scarwork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web – 4 days

Scar tissue work uses a casual light touch and the work is rarely painful even for very new scars and the amount of change in one intervention is extensive.

Natural and surgical scars of any age respond immediately followed by a short period of rapid healing and continued improvement. Scar tissue quality changes quickly and easily. The work starts with the surface layers and goes into the far reaches of the scars. Scar work often results in large whole body integration shifts along with trauma resolution and nerve impaired numbness usually resolves within a session.

Working with scars is like speaking a different language in the world of connective tissue. Attention to detail, the perception of small increments of change, and a sense of humour are helpful in the study of scars.

Practitioners will learn the techniques well enough to take them home and use them the next day in their private practice. Scar work can fit seamlessly into an SI series or be used as a stand alone intervention session.


Anna Srokowska, MSc, Specialist in Physiotherapy

I am a graduate of the Eugeniusz Piasecki Academy of Physical Education in Poznan on the faculty of Movement Rehabilitation, as well as the College of Physical Education in Bydgoszcz on the faculty of Physical Education. In 1997, I started to work at the University of Physical Education, in the Department of Physical Culture of Disabled People and Social Welfare Home in Poznań. At that time, I mainly dealt with the subject of physical culture of the disabled and rehabilitation of the elderly. I also cooperated with the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation. From 2002 to 2013, I worked at the Jurasz University Hospital in Bydgoszcz in the Rehabilitation Clinic, where I mainly rehabilitated patients with neurological dysfunctions, after strokes, craniocerebral trauma, and spinal cord injuries including coma. I received the title of Specialist in Physiotherapy in 2008 after completing my specialization at the Department of Rehabilitation of the University Hospital in Bydgoszcz and successfully passing the exam. In 2011, I started working at the Medical College in Bydgoszcz at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the Department of Fundamentals of Physical Culture. I conduct classes with students of Physiotherapy on the following subjects: Adaptive Movement Activity and Sport of Persons with Disabilities. I also gained my professional experience in the Care and Treatment Facility Atma in Bydgoszcz (2015-2017). Currently, I work in a private practice, Spine-med, and cooperate with NZOZ Vitamed and AthleticoMed – Pain and Injury Treatment Center. I am a member of the Polish Society of Physiotherapy and the Polish Society of Structural Integration. Since 1992, I have been cooperating with the Special Olympics, where I currently work as a volunteer in the Healthy Athletes – Efficient Feet program. I am constantly expanding my physiotherapy practice by participating in professional trainings.

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