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Home page Courses Structural Integration for the Cranium – 4 days

Structural Integration for the Cranium – 4 days

Course details:

Date: 08-12.05.2024

Hours: 9:00-16:30

Place: Toruń, Poland

Sharon Wheeler

Detailed information:

Course information

Structural Integration for the Cranium – 4 days

Speaker: Sharon Wheeler

Date: 08-12.05.2024

Localization: Toruń, Poland

Detailed information:

Day I 9.00-16.30
Day II 9.00-16.30
Day III 9.00-16.30
Day IV 9.00-16.30

Structural Integration for the Cranium – 4 days

This training is intended for therapists who want to learn how to work on the skull, which can very effectively influence its shape and asymmetries. Through gentle and precise rotational and balancing movements, the therapist makes changes in tension in the area of ​​individual fascial layers. Through these changes, it affects the relationships of bone elements as well as their internal stresses and deformations. Ida Rolf worked on the skull in Session 7 of Structured Integration and Sharon Wheeler, her direct student, developed this work towards gently deforming head asymmetry in children. The seventh session is central to the ten sessions of the Structural Integration Process. Dr. Rolf once said that we are doing the first six sessions so that we can move on to the seventh session, and then the last three sessions are spent integrating what is coming from the seventh session.

The main session schema is from Dr. Rolf with some interesting bone changing techniques developed specifically for the skull by Sharon. These bone changing techniques are straightforward; you can expect big structural changes from them.

Other specialized cranial techniques include grips for the mandible, zygomatic arch, eye sockets, and the Atlas / Axis surrounding area. We will also work with the nose, ears and other structures at the front of the neck.

Students will exchange sessions under the supervision of the instructor and will have the opportunity to work with an external model. Sharon teaches this endlessly fascinating subject with detail and precision, with individual attention and a tendency to inventiveness.

We warmly invite you to learn with Sharon Wheeler and learn from her over 50 years of experience in working with the body.

Sharon Wheeler before becoming Structural Integration Therapist Sharon Wheeler was part of the staff at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, where she taught massage for several years. Sharon was one of the first students and also one of the few women to study with Dr. Ida Rolf from 1970 to 1978. Sharon was one of Dr. Rolf’s “artistic experiments”. Currently, he practices in Washington, near Seattle, and conducts specialist classes, incl. BoneWork, ScarWork, Work on the Skull or Work on the Cross Bone.

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