Home page Courses The Tail End – 5 days

The Tail End – 5 days

Course details:

Date: 29.05 - 02.06.2024


Place: Toruń, Poland

Sharon Wheeler

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Course information

The Tail End

The tail end of the body receives a generous number of accidental impacts. These impacts can distort the relationship between the bones and they also distort the shape of the bones in the region; the sacrum, coccyx, pelvis, and femur. Sharon will give a guided tour of structural landmarks through this complex region. These landmarks give you a guide to help evaluate good structure from damaged structure. Relevant Structural Integration work will be included as well as specialized BoneWork for the remediation of damaged, distorted bones throughout the region. Students will exchange sessions and we will have models for practice with supervision.

Sharon Wheeler:
In 1970, at the age of 23, Sharon Wheeler trained with Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the founder of Structural Integration. Her contributions to the field are a reflection of her lineage. She trained in the first Rolf Movement Integration class with Judith Aston in 1971.
Sharon was one of the youngest students as well as one of the few women to be trained. Among the students in her class were two MD’s, an aero-space engineer, and a PhD psychologist. Sharon was one of Dr. Rolf’s admitted „artistic experiments”.

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