Zoga Movement Therapy Part 3 – Toruń, Poland
Course details:
Date: 11-13.04.2025
Hours: 9:00 - 17:00
Wojciech Cackowski
Detailed information:
e-mail: biuro@movuto.pl
Course information
Leader: Wojciech Cackowski
Date: 2-4.06.2023
Location: Toruń
Contact: biuro@movuto.pl
Hours: 9:00-17:00
Zoga Movement Therapy Advanced Part 3 “Shoulders, Arms, Head and Neck” – 3 days
During this final section, students will take a closer look at the relationships in movement and function between the head, neck and shoulders. Areas to focus on include the joint connections of C0, C1, C2, C3, C-T, clavicle, shoulder, forearm, and wrist to finger range of motion.
This course is designed for graduates of the Zoga Movement Introduction (Zoga Multidimensional Movement) training.