Zoga Movement Introduction – Lublin
Course details:
Date: 22-24.11.2024
Hours: 9:00 - 17:00
Grzegorz Srokowski
Detailed information:
Course information
Leader: Grzegorz Srokowski
Date: 28.04-30.04.2023
Location: Warszawa
Contact: biuro@movuto.pl
Hours: 9:00-17:00
Zoga is a collection of strengthening and stretching exercises based on yoga asanas using Anatomy Trains Structural Integration principles. It is designed to restore slippage between the different layers of fascia in our bodies. The human body is designed to be free to function in gravity and move through it in any direction it chooses. Zoga uses this ability for analysis and therapeutic work.
Zoga in practice teaches you:
- Ability to read the body and find limitations in tissue glide
- Use and direct movement to achieve efficient and balanced functioning in gravity
- Achieve balance and minimize the amount of energy used to remain at rest and in motion
- Achieve greater body balance in movement and how forces are distributed within the body’s tensegrity system
During the 3-day Introductory Workshop you will learn:
- How the different layers of fascia affect each other
- How the fascia bands work according to the Anatomy Trains concept
ZOGA is a training for all those who work with the body:
physiotherapists, manual therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, teachers of various forms of exercise such as yoga, Pilates, feldenkreis, movement instructors and trainers, and doctors who treat the musculoskeletal system.